Friday, December 9, 2011

; My loneliness is killing me.

Okay so this week has been such a stressful week. Haih. Had to sort out the Interact stuff. Even prefects work is not as stressful as Interact work. What to do. 
Went to OU today. I haven't been out in 2 weeks. Feels like ages. Thank you Amanda Moa for picking me up and sending me back. Love you. Met up with Huan Min. Haven't seen him in ages. Watched 2 movies today.
1. Ombak Rindu
Ombak Rindu is a Malay movie. By which, I think I need to improve on my Malay. I seriously couldn't understand what they were saying at the beginning of the movie. They were talking to fast. No subtitles also. And I'm chinese. Huan Min couldn't understand what they were saying either, so I'm not alone. Watched it with Mandy, Huan Min and Ean. Before the movie I was like I'm so not gonna cry. But as usual, towards the end of the movie I was like waterfall la. Non stop flow of tears.

After Ombak Rindu, we met up with the rest. Danial had a hair cut. He has a mohawk now. :o He looks so different. Kat dip dyed her hair. Was originally purple and now it's brown. The dye guy is a con man!
2. New Year's Eve
SUCH A GREAT MOVIE. Didn't get to finish watching it though. Had to leave half way. So many good looking actors. hehe.

Holidays are almost over and I'm still relaxing. I think this is the first time I'm really enjoying my holidays. I usually can't wait to go back to school. There's just too much stress at school. I got accepted into Epsom. On the wait list for Sevenoaks. Most probably going to Epsom though because not sure if I'm guaranteed a spot in Sevenoaks. Can't wait to go over, honestly speaking. A fresh start. It's not like I'm depressed or have to friends now but I've just made mistakes before. I've made mistakes that I wish to erase and forget. There are some people in school that I wish I could erase our past status. Sounding so harsh. Haih. Just gonna stick to I want a new start.

; Sometimes a new atmosphere is a good thing.

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